Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Max the Tabby Cat

We found a 6 week old kitten today, in the carport, the day after Doug and I returned home from an 8 day trip to Utah.  He was so little, hungry and frightened. You may ask how did a little kitten end up in your carport? Well, we have a lot of feral cats in our neighborhood so it's not surprising that one day we would find one by the front door.  Here is the rest of the story!

After we found the kitten I had to take him to the vet because I have Simon a 12 year old tabby that I want to protect from any diseases.  On the way to the vet I called my friend Nancy, who was taking care of Simon while we were away.  I told her I found a cat and was she responsible for it being in my carport?!?!  Silence on the phone.  She asked, "What color is it?"  I told her, "It is a Tabby."  She said, "There was a black cat and I almost fed it!".  I told Nancy NEVER to feed any stray cats at my home, and that this little one is not a result of Nancy's caring ways with cats...She was not to blame! Unfortunately, in our neighborhood we have a lot of stray/feral cats that have been abandoned by their owner due to the economy.  This little one probably got lost while traveling with his mother. 

So, at the visit we discovered the kitten is a boy and named him Max.  Max was tested for feline leukemia and feline aids and found to be negative.  However, he does have an upper respiratory infection and is on antibiotics. Now we have to worry about Simon because this is very contagious.   

And you guessed it...he now lives with us.  Meet Max a cute little tabby/ginger cat.
I have forgotten what it's like to have a kitten in the house, always under foot, eating like a Piggly Wiggly, and following me around everywhere I go.  I LOVE IT!

Here's Max lounging on my desk keeping me from doing my work!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My First BYU Football Game

Idaho State 3 - BYU 59

It was a total BLOW OUT game...Idaho State didn't have a chance.  I've never been to a college football game and this was so thrilling to me.  I enjoyed every minute it, from the National Anthem to the amazing Cheerleaders!

This is immediately after the 1st touchdown that occurred within the first minutes of the game.  EXCITING!

 RAH RAH rah rah rah
 RAH RAH rah rah rah
 RAH RAH rah rah rah
Gooooooo Cougars!

Incredible cheerleaders encouraging the stands.  It was BYU Spirit all the way!

The band was spectacular.  You could tell they had a fun time on the field.  The different moves, marching and maneuvering into different places.  It was very apparent they work hard at their choreography and they take pride in their performance.  I loved every minute of it!  Thanks Linda for inviting me and I hope I get the opportunity to go again.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Fun!

Doug and I visited with Josh, Sabrina and the kids. 
On this day Vincent, Lillian and friends decorated cookies in the backyard. 
It was beautiful weather and lots of fun!

Here's Lillian with her Frosting Smile!

Sabrina got creative and made a cookie to look like Josh.
I just had to made me smile!

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...