Sunday, July 27, 2014

A Peaceful, Relaxing Sunday!

Oh, what do you do in the summertime,
When all the world is green?
Do you fish in a stream,
Or lazily dream,
On the banks as the clouds go by?
Is that what you do?
So do I!
(Primary Song)

I didn't go fishing by a stream but I did lazily dream as the clouds went by!

As I enjoyed the summer clouds and trees,
I received a visit by Smokey the cat and a few yard birds!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pioneer Day Parade in Cedar Fort, Utah

This has been a tradition for Doug and I to go to the Pioneer Day Parade in Cedar Fort.  This is the first
time that Sabrina brought Vincent and Lillian to ride in the parade.  It was also the first time that Brandalee brought Londyn, Haven and Dash too!  Oh the excitement!  They can hardly stand it, now they get to throw candy to the kids along the parade route.  These will be precious memories as they will one day not want to do it!  So, we take what we can get and today we got to witness the joy.

Oh and I got asked to be a judge!  This is my first time judging floats and horses.

Old Glory and the Cedar Fort Flag

Everyone can be in a parade.  Bikes, Hula much fun is that?

The Cedar Fort Fire Department

I thought this was fun!  So cute to see the Star Wars Storm Troopers and Darth Vader (not really sure this was Darth Vader)!  You could tell that they were having a great time.  Especially when they posed!

Here is a '56 Ford that has had only one owner.  When I saw this I thought of my dad who loved vintage cars and trucks!

Here's Doug riding the tractor in the parade.  He's like a big kid on a favorite toy!  It's so much fun to watch him enjoy the simple things in life!

This float won FRIST PLACE!  It's a canoe that has blue balloons around it to represent the water with children fishing.  Behind them is this little wagon with the fish they catch.  See the fish on the hook? Very clever!

This was the end of the float that won FIRST PLACE.

This float won SECOND PLACE!  The Ferris wheel was adorable with the children riding along the parade route.  The little girl on the float selling her popcorn and cotton candy. You can tell a lot of thought when into this float.

This was a beautiful float.  This was a top contender but it was still a boat that was decorated.  It look GREAT yet a little to easy to accomplish.

Here's Farmer Dan celebrating Pioneer Day!  On the float is Paul Allred with his children, Ryan, David, Lily, Brice and Ian.  Sabrina with Vincent and Lillian. Everyone had a great time riding on the trailer, sitting on bales of hay being pulled by a tractor.  It doesn't get any better than this!

This is Lillian, Vincent, Londyn, Haven and Dash's first appearance in the Cedar Fort Pioneer Day Parade.  They had a blast!

This float won THIRD PLACE!  This float was incredible.  It was a re-creation of a train that was used locally.

I thought these horses were beautiful.  See how they are walking in step with each other!

This horse won THIRD PLACE!

This horse WON FIRST PLACE (the one with the little boy waving).  It was the perfect fit for the little boy. He sat up so tall in the saddle.  A true cowboy!

This girl won SECOND PLACE.  Notice she is riding bareback!  The horse is beautiful with the brown and white coat.

 Lots of fun!  Can't wait until next year.  Happy Pioneer Day!  July 24, 2014!

Getting Ready!

Today is Pioneer Day and we are celebrating in Cedar Fort, UT.  The kids are so excited to be in the Pioneer Parade.  Here they are all ready to go!  Farmer Dan will be riding the tractor.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Willard Richards Inn

This was our home away from home for three days in Nauvoo, IL.  It's in the heart of Old Nauvoo and literally across the street from where the Nauvoo Pageant is performed.  We couldn't ask for better hosts to stay with, Shane and Heather Kester.  I would love to return and spend more time in this BEAUTIFUL CITY!

Our room was gorgeous.  I loved the blue and the "Old Look"!  I LOVE that style!  It's how I would my entire house to look.  The wide baseboards, door casings, the woodwork.

I see this little lock on the door.  What memories this brings to me!  My Great and Grandma's houses had this style of lock in them.  I don't remember seeing them anywhere else.  It's a nostalgic moment!

Here are two of the breakfast baskets that we got!  It was perfect and easy to take with us if we needed a snack.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Trail of Hope

Today we took a stroll along the Trail of Hope in Nauvoo, Illinois.  This is a beautiful way to end the Sabbath day and walk where the saints walked when leaving the Beautiful City of Nauvoo.

These are the markers that line the trail. It's a very peaceful walk, yet humbling.

At this point in our journey along the Trail of Hope we look back and see this view of the Nauvoo Temple. I cannot express the feelings that I had when I saw this view.  I can only imagine what the saints must have thought when they looked back as they left that beautiful edifice in the distance.  It was overwhelming for me.  I can only get a glimmer of what they must have felt. 

The journey continues.

We arrive at the Mississippi River and this is the view.  For us on the July evening it's absolutely beautiful.  But the saints were not that lucky.  It was winter, cold, freezing and their journey west has just begun!

 Close to the Mississippi shore this statute of Brigham Young and Joseph Smith point westward.
"Eyes Westward"

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...