Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scentsy is Moving Along

Scentsy has been keeping me busier this month.  Whew!  Several Basket Parties and a couple of Home Parties too!

One event I did was quite fun!  It was an unusual husband, Doug, is a Ham radio operator.  Each year he enjoys going to Salt Lake City to attend a Ham Swap Meet.  Well, this is no fun for me so I decided to change it up.  I took my Scentsy product with me and set up a table.  Yes, I got a few funny looks...but all in all, I did quite well.  So, in the future when we go to the Swap Meet, I'll bring my Scentsy again.  You know the saying, "Expect the unexpected", well that's exactly what I gave all those radio geeks!

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...