Monday, June 23, 2014

What Do LDS Women Get?

I wish I had the eloquence and ability to say what is in my heart regarding this topic.  I'm so thankful that Sheri Dew shared her experience when speaking with a reporter on this topic.  It saddens me when LDS women don't understand that we do have a lot.  We are not oppressed!  We have a special place in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A few weeks ago a sister in our ward shared an analogy regarding the priesthood.  This sister has her own business decorating for weddings, events, etc.  She explained that she uses extension cords all the time.  She knows that when she plugs in an extension cord that she can add twinkle lights to it and illuniate the center of a room by placing extension cords together.  She likened that to the priesthood. When we have a calling in the church we are set apart by the priesthood authority to work in the capacity that we've been called.  We are an extension of that priesthood just like the twinkle lights in the middle of the room that are connected to the extension cord.  We may not hold the priesthood but we are connected to it.  We receive personal revelation.  We receive personal revelation over those we have stewardship over in our callings.

I love that analogy.  It is so simple!  Yet, I know there will be those that will find fault with it.  To those I say, I do not judge you...therefore do not judge me for my opinion.  We all have our agency to choose and to question.  My choice and belief is that our Heavenly Father's plan is the right plan.  I am not an oppressed woman in the LDS church.  I am a daughter of God and I know He loves me and I love Him.  Again, choose what you may.  As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!


Here are a couple of Conference Talks that I think are appropriate to share here.

The Cost -  and Blessings - of Discipleship by Jeffrey R Holland

The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood by Dallin H Oaks

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