Now what to do? I'm not losing like I was. Here I am again trying to figure out how to get the scale to continue to move in the right direction!
My weight has always been an issue throughout my life. I was a "Chunky" child. as a teenager I was "Heavy" and of course, it filtered into my adulthood into the "MORBIDLY OBESE" category! Sometimes I think weight is not just what you put into your mouth, but it's what in your head! The feelings that are carried from your life and the different struggles that we endure. Emotions play a "BIG ROLL" in weight. Self esteem, feelings, life's challenges and every day stress. How can one manage all of these, get them under control, and move forward to a more healthier lifestyle? My personal thoughts are to begin one day at a time.
With that being said, it's time for ME! It's time to do what's best for ME! Today is a new day and the perfect time to focus on health and happiness. Of course, I'm beginning at the most challenging time of the year. The holidays are fast approaching and it will be one of the most difficult times to resist all the amazing treats/goodies that I so love! Yet, do I love the treats/goodies more than I love myself? It's time to put myself first!