Sunday, June 21, 2015

Victory or Victim?

I have come across many people throughout my life.  I've seen some that stand tall surrounding themselves with positive, good and goal oriented people.  They are genuinely happy and their lives reflect that happiness.  Life is not without it's challenges, we are not immune from adversity, illness and other life altering experiences.  Yet, they go through life with a different attitude than others.  It doesn't make those times any easier, but it's how they approach each day!

I've also seen others that constantly blame others for their difficulties in life.  Such as: how they hate their boss, get upset with a utility company when their electricity is turned off or when they get that eviction notice.  Those that surround themselves with positive minded people are successful while those that are victims will always be victims.

I came across a video, as I watched it I found it interesting.  I reflected on those associations that I have at home, work, church and friendships.  Who am I surrounding myself with?  Are they uplifting or always feeling sorry or down trodden? I'm pleased to say that I've been blessed with good people, that have been positive influences in my life.  I consider myself successful! I may not be rich with money, but I'm rich in friendships.  I know I can always call, ask or share my life goals, experiences and feelings and be truly respected.   Again, I may not be a millionaire or a billionaire, yet I feel rich in my relationships. Life is what you reflect and if it's happiness and joy then that's what others see in you.  But if you are always negative, others will not want to associate with you.  No one wants to be around a sour puss!

While going through my cancer journey, I chose to be positive and happy.  I was claiming victory over cancer.  I was not a victim!  I didn't have time for that.  I also felt it was better to have positive energy around me, I didn't have time for negativity.  I've carried that positive attitude/feeling with me ever since and it's been 9 years since my diagnosis.

I choose "Victory"!  What about you?

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...