Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A New Year ~ 2007

The past 6 months have been a roller coaster ride. Now what can I expect this year? I know there will be more surgeries and, thank heaven no more chemotherapy.

January 4, 2007, 9:30 am appointment with Dr Richmond. Due to me being positive for BRCA1 Dr Bachrach and I agree that I must have bilateral mastectomies. Doug knows it is the right decision and has come to terms with it. The doctor told me since I'm having both breasts removed that I do not need radiation therapy, however, he wants to take my case before a medical board for consensus.

January 16, 2007 I met with Dr Colleen the Gynecological Doctor. After examining me, Dr Colleen referred me to his partner Dr Rowland. Part of my treatment is to remove my ovaries. I had one salpingo oopherectomy in 1993, on the right side. This procedure is for the left. Because I'm genetically positive for BRCA1 and at high risk for Ovarian Cancer, I must have this procedure to reduce the risk. My appointment was to schedule the surgery and Dr Rowland will preforming the procedure. Later in the afternoon, I met with my Dr Rhee my Plastic Surgeon regarding breast re-construction surgery. Now that I do not have to do radiation therapy, I am a prime candidate to go through the expander process. This appointment was to discuss the process and how it works. I'll explain the process later.

January 24, 2007, I had a diagnostic mammogram in preparation for my mastectomies. This is to see that I'm clear of any abnormalities before the procedure. All is good!

February 5, 2007, I had a 9:30 am appointment with Dr Johnson to discuss my bilateral mastectomies. He explained that he would be doing a procedure that was skin sparing, so there would be enough skin tissue for the expansion process. He told me my procedure would be out-patient. "Out patient?", I said, "You have got to be kidding me?". I think he was a little surprised at my reaction, but come on you are taking off my chest and I'm going home right after the surgery. No Way! My face said it all. He could tell by my reaction that I was very uncomfortable with going home, so he told me, "We'll schedule you for a 23 hour stay." Thank heavens, what a relief that was. He said to me, "It is an emotional time isn't it?" All I could do was shake my head. He was totally understanding and knew that this moment was a lot to process.

February 15, 2007, I had outpatient surgery at Banner Baywood Medical Center. The procedure was the salpingo oopherectomy of the right side. Everything went well and no abnormalities.

February 21, 2007, I had a check x-ray needed for my upcoming surgery.

February 23, 2007, Blood draw for surgery.

February 26, 2007 I called my Dr Richmond,the Radiation Oncologist for the results of the medical board regarding me having radiation therapy. It was unanimous that I did not need radiation. I am so glad. This changes everything for me. I know now I can do reconstructive surgery. This is a good day!

All of these tests are making it more and more real. Surgery is emanate and I'm surprisingly calm. I'm ready, it's been a long time coming. I know this is the right decision for me and because of this decision my chances of being cured of breast cancer are greatly increased.

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