Friday, July 3, 2015

Morning Reflections

Today I decided to take a morning walk to the Cedar Fort Post Office. I had two reasons why! First, I needed to mail a letter and second, I needed to get my walk in for today. So, why not talk a morning stroll to the local post office!

The first thing I noticed is that it isn't as hot as at home in Mesa.  The temperature at the time of my walk was 89* which is a far cry from 109* at home! As I began my walk down a country road I reflected on how peaceful and quiet it is.  No traffic! No crowds! Just complete peace.  I could hear the horses naying, the cows mooing, birds chirping and critters rustling in the grass long the side of the road. It is such a difference compared to the city.

No one on the highway. Only one person at the post office! This so much different than living in the city. This is heaven on earth! Complete bliss!

As I'm walking along I notice all the rocks on the country road. Each rock is different. Some are dark, others light. Some are large, others small. Some are rough, others smooth! Are we not all different just like the rocks? Some may say a rock is a rock, but I say no they are not. Just as we are not all the same. We all look differently, act differently, think differently. We like different things, do things differently, and choose differently.

My choices may not be your choices and vice versa. Yet, with our differences we can get along. When you encounter dark times, can you see the light? If you suffer with struggles in your life do you decide if they will be big or overcome them to make them small? When times are rough, do you seek to smooth them with prayer, action and determination? We are the writer of our journey on the Book of Life! There are some rocks or challenges that we have no control over, but how do you handle those that may arise? Do you become bitter, angry or downtrodden? Or, do you seek love, peace and comfort from the Savior? 

Life on a country road is no different than we are. We too can have peace and tranquility if we choose to do so. I love the song, "All Creatures of Our God and King" because it is He and His Son that created us and this world for us to enjoy. It is up to us to make of it what we want. We are given the tools to be happy, if that is what we choose to be or not! So, when you think about the rocks in your life, it is up to you to decide if you want happiness!

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...