Monday, July 13, 2015

No Denying The Spirit

I've been emotional concerning family/friends questioning the gospel of Jesus Christ that I know! Today I wish to share some experiences of my husband and myself.  I'll first begin with my husband, as I find it to be a most amazing story!

When Doug was a little boy he learned to play the organ, he loved it and played well. So, when traveling to Utah to visit family in Ogden it was not surprising for Doug to ask his mother to take him to see the big organ in Salt Lake City.  Keep in mind, Doug and his family are not LDS. They had no association with the church, no friends, no family whatsoever were affiliated with the church. Yet, when he went to see that organ he had a special feeling. He didn't know what that feeling was, he just knew he liked how he felt when he was there. He went there many times during his childhood. He always wanted to go back because he liked the feeling he got while at Temple Square.

At the age of 17, Doug wrote in his senior yearbook his personal thoughts. He expressed how he always wanted a little sister, he wanted to marry someone not only "til death do us part" but forever!

He moved to Mesa, Arizona at the age of 19. When he saw the Mesa Arizona Temple he had the same feeling that he experienced when he was a little boy on Temple Square. He didn't know that these two places were connected, but he just knew it was a special place. At the age of 23 Doug was introduced to the LDS church. This is when he met Skip and Robin. He took the missionary lessons and Skip baptized him in December 1975. Robin became that "little sister" that he always wanted.

Nine months later I moved to Mesa, Arizona with my family.  Doug and I were set up on a blind date to watch General Conference in October 1976. We dated for about 5 weeks and he asked me to marry him...2 months later were were married in the Mesa Arizona Temple on January 21, 1977 for Time and All Eternity.

Now, who can question what happened? Here is this little boy having these feelings when on Temple Square and the same feelings come when he's in Mesa. This can only be attributed to the spirit touching him. It cannot be explained any other way and I challenge anyone who questions an innocent child!

"Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:4

Who can question that 17 year old boy that wrote his deepest personal thoughts down on paper?

We married for Time and All Eternity...not til death do us part!

January 21, 1977

Keeper Of The Sword Fireside

Doug and I were staying with Eldon and Jan Kearl in Fish Haven, Idaho as part of our summer in Utah and Idaho. While visiting we were invi...